Friday, April 24, 2009

Change Is On Its Way...

As some of you may have known, this was a school project for since February. Well once this semester is over, I will NOT be shutting the blog down. Instead I will be changing it completely. I am unhappy with my decision to make it based off of the Rowan Phillies Fans. I know I could have done more and I will try and do more before the semester ends but when it does, I will go strictly to Phillies news, game stories, etc as a practice for my sports journalism endeavors.

Here is an outline for the last few weeks of the "Phillies Prof-ets" and a look at what will be in store for the future:

-I will throw out my pitch here for my final project by Tuesday. I don't know
what it will be yet but I hope it will actually gain the attention of a lot of

-My goodbye post for the "Phillies Prof-ets" will include a reflection on the
old idea and the introduction of the new idea.

-I will be changing the
back ground, font, and lay out during the course of the summer to make the page
look better and less amateurish.

-And finally and most notably; I will
be changing the name to something more dynamic. Any ideas would be greatly
appreciated. Leave those as a comment or email them to me at and if I chose a
name sent to me, I will credit you in my introduction and elsewhere on the site.

Thank you and go Phils!